I used box.com will have access to 50gb and the webdav protocol
- sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install davfs2
Now we create a mount point to access the cloud
- mkdir /media/box
Check if the connection to box. works
- sudo mount -o uid=pi -o gid=pi -t davfs https://dav.box.com/dav /media/box
The system will ask user name and password box.com, if they are correct we could browse through our account in the folder /media /box
- ls /media/box
If the test is ok, close all opened file and digit
- sudo umount /media/box
ok perfect, so that we can mount the disk manually but every time we have to enter your username and password, we eliminate this "problem"
- sudo nano /etc/davfs2/secrets
and add this line
- https://dav.box.com/dav yourusername yourpassword
Now mount box.com without credentials, but a mount command is very long, we eliminate this "problem"
- sudo nano /etc/fstab
and add this line
- https://dav.box.com/dav /media/box davfs rw,noexec,noauto,user,async,_netdev,uid=pi,gid=pi 0 0
reboot system and you can simply mount the folder with
- sudo mount /media/box
Now we use rsync to make a backup with the command
- rsync -arHu --delete folderyouwantosave/ /media/box
The first backup will be slow (depending on your connection upload) and the next will be faster (incremental)
You can put the script in crontab every day/week even at night
Good backup
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